Organ Appeal 1919
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At a Meeting of Parishioners and Congregation held at the Rectory Room on December 14th, 1918, it was resolved unanimously that our Thankoffering for Peace should take the form of an Organ in the Church, with a Brass Tablet on the wall inscribed with the names of those who had fallen in the War, and that for this purpose an Appeal for £300 be issued forthwith. The need of an Organ has long been felt, and it is hoped such a Thankoffering and Memorial will be supported, not only by those who attend the Church, but by all Parishioners and Friends. The sum of £300 is based on an estimate and specification already received for a suitable Organ, approved by a very able Organist, Mus. Bac.
All money is put in the Bank on deposit and earns 2 1/2 per cent. per annum. When £50 has accumulated, it is invested in War Bonds at 5 per cent.
Any contribution, however small, will be thankfully acknowledged, and should be sent, either to the RECTOR, or to MR. ALFRED EVANS, Bois Farm, or MR. ROBERT BECKLEY, Bois Moor, the Churchwardens.
Contributions may be paid monthly, if desired, and spread over a period of 12 months. Or if more convenient to you, will you kindly fill in the enclosed slip and hand it to the Collector, who will call for it?
Our sole object in asking your support is that we may have the great help of an Organ in public worship, and that our "sacrifice of praise" may be a worthier offering to Almighty God.
January 4, 1919
The following sums have already been received, amounting to £73 0s. 0d. A further statement will be published.
With interest, dividends, Church Box, offertories, etc., we have now £116 in hand and the following sums have been promised : Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Phibbs, and Mr. Waghorn, £5 each.