Book of Remembrance


“This Book records the names of the men & women of Chesham Bois

who gave their lives in the Service of their Country”




Sgt. F. Parmenas Beckley
Sgt. Bert Benning
L/Cpl. William Bruce
Pte. Arthur Brown
Pte. Archibald Bush
Pte. Hugh Bush
Lieut. Cyril Clarke
Lieut. A.T. Crawford Cree
2 nd .Lieut. Leonard Cox
Sgt. William Edwards
Sgt. Albert G. Fenn
2 nd .Lieut. Anthony Horne
Pte. George Harding
Pte. Herbert Hazeldine
Pte. George Hinks
Pte. Albert Howe
Sgt. Frederic C. Keating
Cpl. Percy Keen
L/Cpl. Albert Kingham
Cpl. Dennis Matthews
Gnr. Ernest Matthews
L/Cpl. Sidney Olney
Spr. Jack Pearson
Rfm. William Palmer
Pte. Albert Peto
Pte. Fred Rance
Sgt. Percy G. Robins
2 nd .Lieut. Sidney Rose
Pte. Arthur Thorne
Lieut. H. Gilmore Waghorn
Lieut. Cecil W. Woodcock




Major John E. Anthony
Sgt. Keith R. Baker
Sgt. Robert S. Brown
Lieut. John S. Comfort
L.A.C. William C. Corlett
2 nd .Lieut. Ronald H. Crabb
Cpt. David M. Dobell
P/O. Roy Ferdinand
Cadet John L. Finch
Pte. Harold C. James
Sgt. Harry Kleiner
W.R.N.S. Aileen M. Kilburn
Lieut. Christopher R. Lawrence
F/O. Roderick W. Mackenzie
P/O. John Musgrave
Lieut. Denis C. Scott
Sgt. Eric A. Spencer
F/O. George H. Turner
W/O. Jack L. Welch


7th June 1962


Flt./Lieut. Robert H.T. Baker on Active Service